Exhale: A Sculptural Symphony of Mist and Light

Unveiling Mikyoung Kim's Award-Winning Urban Plaza Design

Exhale, a public plaza designed by Mikyoung Kim, is a unique blend of art, architecture, and environmental science, aimed at managing stormwater collection while providing a dynamic public space. Located in downtown Chapel Hill, this design has been recognized with the prestigious Platinum A' Landscape Planning and Garden Design Award in 2018.

The inspiration behind Exhale is rooted in the natural hydrologic cycles of the site. The sculpture encourages participants to move around the varying elements and view the mutating condition of the piece during the various seasons and times of day. The unique paving pattern, inspired by wind movement pattern diagrams, emanates from the mist fountain at the core of the plaza.

What sets Exhale apart is its location in the heart of downtown Chapel Hill, the first project in a larger town masterplan to invigorate this college town with greater pedestrian-oriented landscapes. Framed by mixed-use development, the plaza is anchored by a dynamic sculpture that utilizes mist and color to define arterial pedestrian connections and encourage multi-generational engagement. This restorative project celebrates the hydrological cycles of the environment.

The realization of Exhale involved the choreography of LED lighting, creating a transformative experience of color as it moves from one end of the sculpture and back. The mist and light move in tandem, filling the stainless-steel cocoon. The sculpture is a custom folded and layered perforated metal skin that allows for fog to emanate through the textured surfaces, creating the transformative moment of hydrology from liquid to a gas, cooling the ambient temperature as it evaporates into the air.

The design research for Exhale began with a contextual analysis of Downtown Chapel Hill, including identifying parks, transportation routes and bicycle safety. This information revealed a dearth of open spaces and established bike routes in the center of the commercial district. As a result, the project transformed an at-grade parking lot site into a vibrant public gathering space.

One of the challenges faced during the design process was the fabrication of the custom perforated metal panels. Mikyoung Kim and her team worked closely with the fabricator to create an integrated structural solution that allowed for easier installation on site and fabrication in the shop.

In conclusion, Exhale is a testament to the power of innovative design in transforming urban spaces. Mikyoung Kim's design not only provides a functional solution to stormwater management but also creates a dynamic public space that encourages community engagement. The award-winning design serves as a benchmark for future urban landscape projects, demonstrating the potential of design to create sustainable and engaging public spaces.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Mikyoung Kim
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Mark La Rosa Image #2: Photographer Mark La Rosa Image #3: Photographer Mark La Rosa Image #4: Photographer Mark La Rosa Image #5: Photographer Mark La Rosa
Project Team Members: Design Principal: Mikyoung Kim, Mikyoung Kim Design Project Manager: Bryan Chou, Mikyoung Kim Design
Project Name: Exhale
Project Client: Mikyoung Kim

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